Unix file system

The UNIX file system always begins with the directory called root. It is considered as the parent directory and it is denoted by ‘/’ slash. This directory will have sub-directories. The subdirectories can have other subdirectories or files.

Every directory will branch from root.

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bin: contains the binary files i.e. executables of most of the unix commands.

ex: cat, ls etc

etc: contains system administration file. It can be used by system administrator only.

ex: passwd, profile etc

dev: contains all input and output device related files means each and every physical device contains logical name.

ex: terminals, printers, disk drivers etc Separate file for each device. Each device is implemented as a file.

tmp: contains temporary files created by UNIX or by other users. UNIX will dispense the temp files. Will be deleted by UNIX at shutdown time.

ex: swap files

usr: contains several user directories. It is created by system administrator when creating new accounts. Each user is allowed to work in his/her directory often known as home directory. User can organise his directory by creating sub directories.

home: contains home directories.

lib: contains library functions, header files. The programmers under UNIX will use these libraries.

var: contains messages. All messages are stored in var directory.**